You are a water snake (nerodia sipedon) you eat small fish and slow moving fish you have many predators like big birds or alligators or humans try and survive!!!!!!!!!!!!! and if you are alone for to long you will die and not succsed and your addaptation is that you can swim. [[click here to start|Hatching]]You catch a glimse of sun through the shell of your egg how do you get out of the egg!do you. [[bite it|bitting the egg]] [[whip it|whipping the egg]] You bite through the egg and get out into the fresh air and sunlight what do you do now do you. [[hunt for food in the water|hunting]] [[find a good habbitat to live in|habbitat]]You brake your tale and drown in the egg yolk you are not a good water snake GAME OVER! [[TRY AGAIN|Hatching]]You find a wounded fish and feed of its fleash and you find a habbitat on the way what do you do know. [[stay near you habbitat and the water|stay near]] [[go wondering in the water|awesome]]You run into a aligator and die you are not a good water snake. [[TRY AGAIN|Hatching]]You survive and find some extra food and you find a fish but near a human what do you do. [[go eat the fish|ok choice but not that nice]] [[stay away from the fish|survival]]You get eaten by a alligator and die. [[GAME OVER|Hatching]]You eat the fish but also become a snake burger you loose. [[TRY AGAIN!!!|Hatching]]You find a small fish but run into a bird nest what do you do. [[fight the bird for your fish|nice game]] [[drop the rest of your fish|wounded]]The bird eats you and killes you you lose. [[game over|Hatching]]The bird chips you but you escape without your food. [[find a girl snake start a life|babys]] [[stay on your own and survive|good game]]You have babys and you are now a father you win CONGRAGULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! [[PLAY AGAIN|getting started]] [[play as older snake|hard core]]You loose you are not a good water snake read description!!!!!!! [[read description|getting started]] You are now a older snake it will be harder to survive. [[swim in the water|good old days]] [[stay on land|ok try]]You run into a desroyed birds nest and remember your younger snake days but all of a sudden a hawk jumps out of the nest what now. [[bite the hawk|wounded again]] [[swim away|rememeber]]You dry out and get turned into a snake burger. [[for loosers only|so you lost]]At this point i know you at least died once which means you have now been given one mor chance but if you loose again you are not paying atention and this is not the game for you. [[ why are you not paying atention|getting started]]You bite the hawk and hurt it but get wounded and live the rest of your life good game you win CONGRAGULATIONS!!!!!!!! [[PLAY AGAIN|getting started]] [[play as baby snake|baby snake]]You swim away but get caught you lose. [[sorry|so you lost]]You are a baby snake it is hard core and if you lose no retrys. [[countinu|baby snake mode]] [[quit|getting started]]You are a baby snake do you follow your mum or your dad. [[mum|are u ok]] [[dad|ok thought]]You follow your mum but she cant protect you from a hawk you lose:( [[no retrys|sorry]] Sorry no retrys. :( You have followed your dad you survive. [[grow into adult|looks ok]]You have evolved and won now play as. [[human|human mode]] [[play again|getting started]]You are a human you run into a snake what now. [[pick it up and kill it|lololololool]] [[walk away slowley|cool]]You pick it up and it bites rapidly and poos on your shoe you are a better water snake then a human. [[try again its ok|Hatching]]The water snake jumps at you but you manage to run away in time and get home safely. [[play again|getting started]] [[hatch again|Hatching]] [[play as hawk|hawk mode]]You are a hawk you are a predator to a water snake you find a water snake outside of your nest what do you do. [[attack it|attacking the snake]] [[hide|hidding]]You attack the snake and get wounded but swear to get revenge on that nasty snake [[grow|revenge]] [[you follow the snake|lifes ok]]You hide and starve to death i am sorry but no retrys.You grow and find the baby snakes of the snake that hurt you do you. [[kill the snakes|sweet revenge]] [[leave them alone|awesomeness]]You follow the snake and kill it and there is some good news you unlock a secret CHARECTER!and it is the. [[prey of snakes|fish mode]] [[start over|getting started]]You kill the snakes and then get killed by the mom and dad snakes game over no retrys.You leave them alone and find the dad water snake later on in the story you. [[you win the end|getting started]]You are a slow moving fish or a wounded fish it is your choice. [[wounded|hardcore mode]] [[slow moving fish|regular mode]]This is hard core mode there is going to be 1 secret charecter in the end but only if you survive. [[countinue|play again]]You are a slow moving fish and you hear a noice in the water is it a. [[mum fish|alast]] [[water snake|done man]]Sorry it was a water snake and it feeds on you flesh but it drops you after being starteld by a hawk. [[swim away as fast as you can|swiming away]] [[find a suitible mate|finding a mate]]You run away from a nasty water snake and survive. [[you win|getting started]]You swim away and live your life alone you win but you unlocked no secret charecters. [[play again|getting started]]You found a mate and had fish babys good job you also unlocked a secret charecter it is the. [[alligator|alligator mode]]You see a water snake heading toward you what do you do. [[swim down deep|swiming deep]] [[swiming away|swiming away fast]]You swim down deep and get away in time and escape the snake what now. [[find a mate|finding a mate]] [[play it safe|play it safer]]You swim away fast but not fast enough the water snake cought up to you and bites you and drags you down deep in the water and kills you sorry but no retrys.Playing it safe wasnt really safe you run into a alligator sorry your dead no retrys.You are a alligator and you are a secret charecter congrats!!!!! [[countinue|alligator play]]You unlocked the alligator you are able to survive without a mate and you can eat all animals in the game. [[countinue|countinueing]]You run into a water snake what now. [[eat it|eating the snake]] [[leave it alone|leaving it alone]]You eat the snake and survive you find a girl alligator. [[have babys|baybies cool]]You starve to death no retrys or restart. [[game over|getting started]]Congrats you have babys and win the game if you liked the game plz give it a thumbs up and thats the end. Made by:nikolai.m [[play again|getting started]]